Lenzerheide MTB Worlds 2018 - Time For Some Action!

Lenzerheide MTB Worlds 2018 - Time For Some Action!

Autor:Maximilian Munteanu | 8 septembrie 2018

After all that plotting and scheming during track walk, it is time to lay some rubber on that dirt and bless the mountain with some riding during the official practice sessions. What some of you may not know is that practising in these upper echelons of gravity mountainbiking is split between A (men elite) and B (women elite and all the juniors) and that some of these training sessions are scheduled pretty early in the morning, so seeing riders and mechanics storm the gondola when most people are enjoying their pain au chocolat or rather hitting that damn snooze button for the third time is a common sight. There were some interesting things happening on Thursday and stories are aplenty, but let's be honest: you are here for the pictures, right? ;)

Enjoy, ahoi!

We took this shot so you can see the custom paint on Tahnée fresh Transition better. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
We took this shot so you can see the custom paint on Tahnée fresh Transition better. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

In case you didn't already know, the train system in Switzerland is awesomely functional. Here Camille Balanche is laying proof to that fact by staying is touch with engine Janine Hubscher. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
In case you didn't already know, the train system in Switzerland is awesomely functional. Here Camille Balanche is laying proof to that fact by staying is touch with engine Janine Hubscher. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Looking up in the skies you realise that if it rains it'd be fair to rain bikes like this. Can you spot the owners of these two? - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Looking up in the skies you realise that if it rains it'd be fair to rain bikes like this. Can you spot the owners of these two? - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Valentina was lurking in the shadows until recently, but when you own Warp Speed™ you just boost yourself light years ahead of the competition. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Valentina was lurking in the shadows until recently, but when you own Warp Speed™ you just boost yourself light years ahead of the competition. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Everybody and their cat knows that Phil handles his bike At Will (wink-wink) and even a seasoned rock garden can't change this. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Everybody and their cat knows that Phil handles his bike At Will (wink-wink) and even a seasoned rock garden can't change this. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Lines, lines, lines and decisions, decisions, decisions... - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Lines, lines, lines and decisions, decisions, decisions... - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Another quick Frenchie: Benoit Coulanges. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Another quick Frenchie: Benoit Coulanges. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Amaury Pierron was definitely on some quick ones these past days! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Amaury Pierron was definitely on some quick ones these past days! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

The owner of the current rainbow, Mr. Bruni, not fearing that paparazzi will find him watching junior women's XC races. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
The owner of the current rainbow, Mr. Bruni, not fearing that paparazzi will find him watching junior women's XC races. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Aaron Gwin is a sight to behold on track, especially with his training runs being rare as those premium steaks in your local fancy restaurant. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Aaron Gwin is a sight to behold on track, especially with his training runs being rare as those premium steaks in your local fancy restaurant. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Keepin' 'er pinned between 'em boulders. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Keepin' 'er pinned between 'em boulders. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Danny Hart must be cooking a revenge run for his last two seasons and you can feel his aggression on the soil in every turn. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Danny Hart must be cooking a revenge run for his last two seasons and you can feel his aggression on the soil in every turn. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Let's play MTB Jeopardy: this Mr. Nice Guy had original looking kit all season long and brought two almost identical bikes but of different wheel sizes to these World Championships. Who is... - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Let's play MTB Jeopardy: this Mr. Nice Guy had original looking kit all season long and brought two almost identical bikes but of different wheel sizes to these World Championships. Who is... - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Loic shines as bright as his blinged-out bike in the precious Swiss sun. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Loic shines as bright as his blinged-out bike in the precious Swiss sun. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

The step-up could be renamed ”Scrubbers Delight” for those who can pull the proper gymnastics on their steeds. Reece Wilson happily obliges. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
The step-up could be renamed ”Scrubbers Delight” for those who can pull the proper gymnastics on their steeds. Reece Wilson happily obliges. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Bike, gear, riding: the Keswick Kestrel named Adam Brayton made sure everything matches perfectly! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Bike, gear, riding: the Keswick Kestrel named Adam Brayton made sure everything matches perfectly! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

The top pro's weren't riding the obvious line, but rather propel themselves into the next berm by straighlining the rocks. Gwin showing us how it's supposed to be done. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
The top pro's weren't riding the obvious line, but rather propel themselves into the next berm by straighlining the rocks. Gwin showing us how it's supposed to be done. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Troy Brosnan has very clear vision upon his goals and the skill set to match his targets. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Troy Brosnan has very clear vision upon his goals and the skill set to match his targets. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Laurie Greenland, just haulin' ass, just as he did all season and probably his entire life.- photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Laurie Greenland, just haulin' ass, just as he did all season and probably his entire life.- photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Gloves pretty much equal a disguised Blenki, but make no mistake, they were probably imposed by Swiss federation rules that apply here. That tuck could be easily signature too. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Gloves pretty much equal a disguised Blenki, but make no mistake, they were probably imposed by Swiss federation rules that apply here. That tuck could be easily signature too. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Aaron is collecting speed tickets, as Gee and one half of Parkins Gold™ carefully observe.- photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Aaron is collecting speed tickets, as Gee and one half of Parkins Gold™ carefully observe.- photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Just look at Gwin's focus! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Just look at Gwin's focus! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Alex Marin, a long time after the pioneers of Marin County threw their klunkers down that hill in California. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Alex Marin, a long time after the pioneers of Marin County threw their klunkers down that hill in California. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Edgar Carballo Gonzales just squeezed himself into our gallery by doing this. Well done, <i>señor</i>, well done! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Edgar Carballo Gonzales just squeezed himself into our gallery by doing this. Well done, señor, well done! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

[article-image="23" description="The Redcar Rocket tell Boris that he made him look and he should listen to that Nas track some more. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro"]
By now you already know that Brook took the qualies. Everybody talked this year about how his return to MS Mondraker brought sunshine back to his street and here you have one more source to confirm that. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
By now you already know that Brook took the qualies. Everybody talked this year about how his return to MS Mondraker brought sunshine back to his street and here you have one more source to confirm that. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

This is probably Basil Weber, but those are most definitely not Swiss table manners! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
This is probably Basil Weber, but those are most definitely not Swiss table manners! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Here the English show you how you need to behave on a mountainside during lunch. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Here the English show you how you need to behave on a mountainside during lunch. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

We ran out of caption on this shot of Troy. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
We ran out of caption on this shot of Troy. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Mark Wallace, looking to storm tracks around the world with a Chainsaw attitude. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Mark Wallace, looking to storm tracks around the world with a Chainsaw attitude. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

When you are styling the nasty triple, you just deserve shots like this. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
When you are styling the nasty triple, you just deserve shots like this. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Keeping sponsors happy and helmet painters busy. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Keeping sponsors happy and helmet painters busy. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

What do you think, does Finn like his new shoes? - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
What do you think, does Finn like his new shoes? - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

When in Lenzerheide, make sure you look around at the heights surrounding you and we guarantee you will find nice surprises! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
When in Lenzerheide, make sure you look around at the heights surrounding you and we guarantee you will find nice surprises! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Greg made sure he has our attention. As if that had ever been a problem. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Greg made sure he has our attention. As if that had ever been a problem. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Our buddy Ionuț is specialising in wildlife photography. The Swiss ducks are specialising in being ducks. Ionuț says they're doing a pretty neat job! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Our buddy Ionuț is specialising in wildlife photography. The Swiss ducks are specialising in being ducks. Ionuț says they're doing a pretty neat job! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

[article-image="109" description="If you paid attention in your geography classes, you must know what a cirque is. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro"]
Rach has been kicking it with many competitors during her career and somehow she kept stepping it up, something that only a slim few can pull. We tip our hats! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Rach has been kicking it with many competitors during her career and somehow she kept stepping it up, something that only a slim few can pull. We tip our hats! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Myriam Nicole, making that track work as it should. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Myriam Nicole, making that track work as it should. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

We have heard people wondering where ”they” have found Kye A'Hern and, thinking about it, we suspect the ”Sam Hill finding Troy Brosnan” route. This small talk doesn't matter, though. What matters is how this young gun is blazing! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
We have heard people wondering where ”they” have found Kye A'Hern and, thinking about it, we suspect the ”Sam Hill finding Troy Brosnan” route. This small talk doesn't matter, though. What matters is how this young gun is blazing! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Kade Edwards could easily win most style points awarded at any race. What it seems he can't do is not forgetting his damn goggles. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Kade Edwards could easily win most style points awarded at any race. What it seems he can't do is not forgetting his damn goggles. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

When she is not impromptu-hugging her bestie Paula Zibasa on track or hanging out on social media, Mille Johnset is quick as northern fox and proves why the Atherton trust is oh-so-justified. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
When she is not impromptu-hugging her bestie Paula Zibasa on track or hanging out on social media, Mille Johnset is quick as northern fox and proves why the Atherton trust is oh-so-justified. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Watching Tahnée Seagrave ride is pure bliss, as aesthetics merge with speed in one seamless and graceful package. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Watching Tahnée Seagrave ride is pure bliss, as aesthetics merge with speed in one seamless and graceful package. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Anna Newkirk must be a new name for most, but her prowess on track is very good news for the future of the women's field. Some are even scratching their heads, but it's alright. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Anna Newkirk must be a new name for most, but her prowess on track is very good news for the future of the women's field. Some are even scratching their heads, but it's alright. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Vali Höll is so good that it's not fair. We should really all throw our bikes away and quit riding, because it's pointless with people so gifted at play. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Vali Höll is so good that it's not fair. We should really all throw our bikes away and quit riding, because it's pointless with people so gifted at play. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

This French lady has had a very unlucky season and we hope that her dark clouds have flown away. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
This French lady has had a very unlucky season and we hope that her dark clouds have flown away. - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

When your guide into the racing scene is named Nicolas Vouilloz and everybody whispers your name attached to the word ”future”, you must be doing a few things right. The fact that you're French is added pressure, but an advantage too. All hail Thibaut Daprela! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
When your guide into the racing scene is named Nicolas Vouilloz and everybody whispers your name attached to the word ”future”, you must be doing a few things right. The fact that you're French is added pressure, but an advantage too. All hail Thibaut Daprela! - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

Rachel Atherton, quick and composed through yet another corner. What else do you expect? - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro
Rachel Atherton, quick and composed through yet another corner. What else do you expect? - photo: Ioan Sava / DirtBike.ro

We love these birds, but would rather not see them fly. Paula Zibasa scared a lot of people by taking this ride down the mountain the other day, but luckily she came away unscathed. Look for proof on her Insta! - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
We love these birds, but would rather not see them fly. Paula Zibasa scared a lot of people by taking this ride down the mountain the other day, but luckily she came away unscathed. Look for proof on her Insta! - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

Whatever you think, all these images don't do the surroundings justice. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
Whatever you think, all these images don't do the surroundings justice. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

Myriam Nicole doesn't have anything to prove, although she rides like it. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
Myriam Nicole doesn't have anything to prove, although she rides like it. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

Aging like fine wine, Greg must still consider himself a student of the game, as he is to be found trackside carefully observing lines and riders. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
Aging like fine wine, Greg must still consider himself a student of the game, as he is to be found trackside carefully observing lines and riders. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

You know this guy more from his online antics, but the riding is right there at it, no doubt! Wyn Masters, pinned. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
You know this guy more from his online antics, but the riding is right there at it, no doubt! Wyn Masters, pinned. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

Charlie Harrison proudly wearing them Stars and Stripes. His bike will be auctioned for charity, by the way. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
Charlie Harrison proudly wearing them Stars and Stripes. His bike will be auctioned for charity, by the way. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

Henry Fitzgerald, making Canada proud. Doing it on a Norco in a jersey in flannel look only makes it perfect. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
Henry Fitzgerald, making Canada proud. Doing it on a Norco in a jersey in flannel look only makes it perfect. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

When you are in a hurry, you need to take your turns before you land. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
When you are in a hurry, you need to take your turns before you land. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

Generations. The young ones listen, while Fabien Barel shares the wisdom. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
Generations. The young ones listen, while Fabien Barel shares the wisdom. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

[article-image="56" description="We're not sure how much Greg Minnaar is into 2Pac, but it's definitely working and his riding rhymes are the stuff of legend. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro"]
Finn is trying to find his roots. That means the ones that will not stain his new shoes. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
Finn is trying to find his roots. That means the ones that will not stain his new shoes. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

Vee Rubber is a thailandese company, so it's only right that local riders bear this kind of motivation on their bikes. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
Vee Rubber is a thailandese company, so it's only right that local riders bear this kind of motivation on their bikes. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

...apparently not forward enough??? - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
...apparently not forward enough??? - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

It's weird to see Blenki with gloves and not pedalling mid-air, but that actually says a lot about the track. What's not weird is to see him kicking ass all day long. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
It's weird to see Blenki with gloves and not pedalling mid-air, but that actually says a lot about the track. What's not weird is to see him kicking ass all day long. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

The candy-flavoured Summums of team MS Mondraker. Here's Laurie's popsicle.- photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
The candy-flavoured Summums of team MS Mondraker. Here's Laurie's popsicle.- photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

Gwin was waiting in the lower half, above a roots section to sniff what the other riders are doing. Steve Peat was hawking lines too, about 15 m to the right. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
Gwin was waiting in the lower half, above a roots section to sniff what the other riders are doing. Steve Peat was hawking lines too, about 15 m to the right. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

Marcelo Guttierez is intense as Colombian coffee and he's wearing a smile when he's not wearing a helmet. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
Marcelo Guttierez is intense as Colombian coffee and he's wearing a smile when he's not wearing a helmet. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

Sometimes we are forgetting that the Pierron family has three sons in the World Cup circus. Here's Baptiste trying to jump into the lake. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro
Sometimes we are forgetting that the Pierron family has three sons in the World Cup circus. Here's Baptiste trying to jump into the lake. - photo: Maximilian Munteanu / DirtBike.ro

This young lady has a hat to support our troops and we just had to take a picture of her.
This young lady has a hat to support our troops and we just had to take a picture of her.

Here's a song to keep your spirits high:

See you soon!


3 Comentarii

Ioan Radu
8 septembrie 2018 la 16:11
Interesant.... Dar n am înțeles nimic. E doar pt "cunoscători"... De engleză
1 Maximilian Munteanu
Maximilian Munteanu
8 septembrie 2018 la 18:38
@Ioan Radu: Salut! Probabil că nu ai văzut, dar am publicat și acum două zile un articol în engleză și am scris in cadrul lui și o notificare de ce facem asta. Este ceva lume din afara țării care apreciază efortul nostru, deci nu e nici o problemă. Oricum, articolul este unul cu poze, pe care sigur le înțelegi. Sau? :)
Ioan Radu
8 septembrie 2018 la 20:16
Am citit și articolul precedent și am toată stima pt ce faceți. Am înțeles chiar și din text despre ce e vorrba și apreciez, atâta doar ca am eu o frustrare {la care nu aveți nici un merit} ca nu știu engleză. Cu respect

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