Suport de telefon pentru bicicleta motocicleta Shape Heart cu patent unic. Pachet complet, - saculet de protectie - husa de ploaie pentru telefon marimea XL 17.2 cm (iphone XX Pro intra fara probleme) - sistem de prindere intre 20mm si 50mm - sistem magnetic 360 grade - 2 gume de prindere - 1 guma de prindere - manual A fost folosit de cateva ori, sistemul de prindere magnetic este super rezistent la socuri (borduri, gropi, etc), se poate pune chiar si pe mtb pe trasee denivelate, pe trotinete si pe motociclete rezistand la viteze mari. Husa ofera protectie la ploaie, cu sistem reflectorizant pe margini, sistemul se poate roti 360 grade, iesire pentru powerbank sau casti. Product features Weatherproof sleeve, fully touch-sensitive (even in the rain) Landscape/portrait orientation without tools Compatible with Face ID (iOS, Android) Central opening for USB port/headphones Everything is included in the pack, which contains: - The mount - The sleeve (for handlebars or stems with a diameter of 30 to 50 mm, use the rubber bands) - The strap (for handlebars or stems with a diameter of 20 to 30 mm, use the strap) - 2 pairs of elastic bands - The carrying bag Both the strap and rubber bands are made from ultra-durable silicone, guaranteed for 2 years. No risk of damaging your bike’s paint.
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