7500 lei
Curier Rapid
Brand: Oakley
Stare: Nou
Gen: Unisex

Marimea M (39 - 42) Descriere producator: The Oakley Cycling Regular Socks are designed with performance and comfort in mind. They offer heel support and moisture wicking qualities that provide excellent perspiration permeability and fast drying to help keep your feet dry and cool, even in the midst of great effort. They also feature a short rise so it’s great for both indoor and outdoor cycling, and the comfortably wide cuff stays in place no matter what you put yourself through. Comfortable sock made of polyester/lycra mix that supports feet Excellent perspiration permeability and fast drying Keeps your feet dry and cool Wide cuff in short shaft provides extra comfort Short socks are perfect both outdoor and indoor cycling.

Actualizat: Vizualizări: 678ID: 6215
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