NOU! Casca ciclism copii BELL Sidetrack II
24900 lei
Curier Rapid
Producător: Bell
Stare: Nou
Tip cască: Copii

Marime Toddler (45-52 cm) Disponibile 3 culori: - Unicorn Gloss Pink - Double Rainbow Gloss Yellow - Champion Gloss White Castile sunt noi, cu eticheta, in cutia originala. Caracteristici: Forma all-mountain Vizor detasabil Sistem de reglare usor ajustabil Captuseala de ghidare a transpiratiei Carcasa de policarbonat cu spuma EPS, Fusion In-Mold Ergo Fit – Sistem de ajustare elegant pentru reglaje cu o singura mana 14 gauri de aerisire Greutate: 260 grame With its enlarged head cover and improved protection, the Sidetrack II is suitable for adventurous bikers. This all-mountain helmet offers a detachable canopy, an easy fit system, our sweatpipes and super style to motivate your child to ride! Specification: Number of vents: 14 vents Compliant with standard: CPSC Bicycle Construction: Combining a polycarbonate shell with an In-Mold process - A process pioneered by Bell, it combines the outer shell of a helmet with an EPS foam construction to create a stronger helmet. Canopy: Removable canopy Fitting system: Ergo Fit - Elegant, easy-to-use fitting system that can be adjusted with one hand. Fastening straps: Quickly adjustable buckles that help keep the straps flat and properly positioned. Low weight of the straps. Pinchguard Buckle - Clamp to eliminate pinching. Interior: The design of the pads drains moisture away from the eyebrow pad and away from glasses. Weight: 260 grams (for universal size)

Actualizat: Vizualizări: 592ID: 9998
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