Ritchey WCS Streem , 210g
39000 lei
Predare Personală
Brand piese: Ritchey
Stare: Folosit
Tip bicicletă: Cursieră
Gen: Unisex
Decupaj șa: Nu
Tip prindere șa: Șine standard

Sa usoara 210 g Latime totala 132mm Tije standard rotunde. Nu are julituri, materialul este perfect. Montata pe bicicleta si folosit cateva iesiri. This minimalist saddle has been the choice for many riders over the years because the flex built into the ‘wings’ of the saddle. Ritchey has patented this design as the Vector Wing, and it works extremely well, allowing the muscles of the hindquarters to travel throughout the pedal stroke without bounce, keeping contact with the saddle for maximum power transfer, while evenly reducing pressure across the contact area. Riders who favor the WCS Streem design tend to prefer narrower (132mm), firmer saddles with just the right amount of padding

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